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  • proofsheetthemovie

Get Ready for the Premiere!

Updated: Sep 4, 2020

“Proof Sheet is a rich and engrossing film noir with an intriguing, labyrinthine plot, a strong cast of characters, and a complex but charming, endearing lead.” - The Blacklist -

It’s Los Angeles, 1999, a city on the brink of enormous change. A roll of film is dropped off at a photo lab’s night drop for processing. 24 images reveal the stalking and murder of a beautiful woman. The lab worker, Angel López, knows the girl and has fallen in love with her but why were these incriminating photos left for him to discover? Yet, in these images on the proof sheet, Angel now has a map to the last night of her life, and possibly the killer’s identity. .

“Ready to awaken your detective instinct? not everything you see is what it appears to be.”

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